
Tentative Program

18th November 2005

9.30 - 10.00 Registration

10.00 - 10.15 Welcome

10.15 – 11.15 Introduction

Prof. Dr. Halis A. Akder, Middle East Technical University

A Representative from European Commission Turkey Delegation

• WTO-EU-Turkey: Key questions concerning the future agricultural policy of Turkey

• EU: Agricultural policy debated

• Turkey – EU and agriculture


11.15 - 13.00 Present Situation of Turkish Agriculture

Gökhan Günaydın, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers

Nebi Çelik, Undersecratariat, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

• Turkish agriculture, key problems and facts

• Recent agricultural policy, main elements, problems


Possible elements of the speech:

-Recent indicators, structural factors: percentage of gross-national income, percentage of working force active in agricultural sector, growth of units, regional imbalance etc.

-Recent Turkish structural and agricultural policy: key elements, factors of change, progress, problems,

-Food security, market oriented production versus subsistence production,

-Percentage of ecological production, structure, deficits – state policy towards ecological production,

-Organizations active in the agricultural sector: main factors of concern.

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 14.45 WTO - EU - Agricultural Policies

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Şahinöz, Hacettepe University

• Matter of conflict: WTO – EU and agricultural policy

• Impact on Turkey: in the past and during the future accession period


14.45 – 16.00 EU’s Structural and Agricultural Policy and Rural Development

Hannes Lorenzen, European Parliament

• EU –Structural and Agricultural Policy and Rural Development

• Different positions of and in member states


Possible elements of the speach:

-Relation between EU’s structural and agricultural policy: reforms, actual situation and future expectations,

-What are the elements of debate inside the EU concerning the structural and agricultural policy (France-GB-Germany)

-European civil society: positions towards structural and common agricultural policy.

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break

16.30 – 17.30 EU – Enlargement and Structural/Agricultural Policy

Friedrich Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, European Parliament

Jerzy Plewa, Poland

• Impact of enlargement on agricultural policy in EU and new member states

• Similarities with Turkey


Possible elements of the speach:

-In what way did the past EU enlargement influence EU’s structural and CAP?

-What was the impact of the CAP on the new member states?

-Are there similarities between the new member states and Turkey concerning agricultural policy and the impact of EU accession? Hungary, Poland? Is the situation of Bulgaria comparable with Turkey? What lessons can be drawn from these examples for Turkey?

-What role did interest group and civil society play in the new member states: lessons for Turkey?

19th November 2005

10.00 - 10.30 Registration

10.30 – 12.00 Agricultural Policy and EU Accession of Turkey Debated

Şükrü Genç, Sustainable and Ecological Agriculture Assocation

Victor Ananias, Buğday Ecological Life Assocation

Abdullah Aysu, Turkeys Agriculturist Assocation, Via Campensia, ÖDP

• Political Parties, interest groups

• Civil Society


Possible elements of the speach:

-Positions of political parties concerning EU accession

-Positions of relevant interes groups

-Positions of civil society toward EU accession

13.00 – 14.30 Conclusion: Results of the conferance

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